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Past Events

16 Jun 2018

At the most beautiful spot of Loutraki by the sea surrounded by ebony eucalypts, jasmine and bougainvilleas, since 1937, you can find one of the most historic summer cinemas in Greece.

Until 1981 there was also a winter room.

The earthquake that left its mark indelibly throughout Loutraki has inevitably affected our cinema. So from 1981 until 2015 our summer room functioned with its characteristic large spaces. In 2015, the situations were such that they forced us to make the second biggest change in our cinematography. So, with care and respect, we created a place worthy of its history.

And this year we are making an appointment in this historic corner!

Stay tuned here and on Facebook Page here


16 Jun 2018 to 15 Jul 2018

We are waiting for you daily at our summer place on the beach of Loutraki, in front of hotel PLAZA.


16 Jun 2018 to 17 Jun 2018

We invite you to the All Styles Cup Shotokan Carate Games which will take place on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June 2018 at the Galantopoulos Indoor Gymnasium.
