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Past Events
1 Jul 2023 to 30 Sep 2023
Another summer of presence this year for the Loutraki Festival!
This year, our events start in July and end in September, as always in various locations of the Municipality, but mainly in the new, renovated, modern Open Theater "Pantelis Zervos" in Dexamenis Park.
Find more details about each performance on the Festival website and also on social media (Facebook, Instagram).
Good luck and Happy Summer!
1 Jul 2023 to 7 Jul 2023
Cosmogym is an event of kinetic-artistic expression of groups of practitioners, of all ages, levels and social origins. It is a non-competitive event where the sole objective of the participants is participation and their love for the Sport.
Cosmogym Summer 4all is a non-competitive event in which the basic rule is that "all participants are awarded".
Instrumental, rhythmic, acrobatic, aerobic, trampoline, modern and classical dance, jazz, folkloric, street dance, hip-hop with musical accompaniment or not, with usual or unusual instruments and any other type of kinetic form and artistic expression that exists are the elements that make up the programs participating in Cosmogym.
Teams of athletes and not only, from clubs, schools, universities, municipalities, etc. from all over the world are welcome to participate.
Cosmogym 2023 will be held this year at the "Beach Park" of Loutraki Corinthia, at the Sport Camp facilities in Loutraki as well as at the Ypanema Club facilities at Lake Vouliagmeni. It will be outside, with a temporary configuration for the needs of the organization.
The address of the premises is:
Paralia Park – Loutraki, Korinthia TK 20300
Sport Camp – Katunistra area – Loutraki, Corinthia 20300
Ypanema Club – Lake Vouliagmeni
Gymnastics for all event (Loutrakio Beach Park)
SATURDAY July 1 1st Program Presentation Zone 19:30
SUNDAY July 2 Arrivals of foreign shipments
SUNDAY July 2 2nd Program Presentation Zone 19:30
MONDAY July 3 3rd Program Presentation Zone 7:30 p.m
TUESDAY 4th July 4th Program Presentation Zone 19:30
WEDNESDAY July 5 5th Program Presentation Zone 7:30 p.m
THURSDAY July 6 6th Program Presentation Zone 7:30 p.m
FRIDAY July 7 Departures of missions
Side Events (Ypanema Club, Sport Camp, Beach Park)
SUNDAY 2 July Workshops – Loutraki Beach Park, Flash Mob Event 19:00
MONDAY July 3 Beach Volley – Ypanema Club, 11:00 (Buses leave at 10:00)
MONDAY July 3 Workshops – Loutraki Beach Park 09:30 + 10:30
TUESDAY 4 July Workshops – Loutraki Beach Park 09:30 + 10:30
TUESDAY 4 July Social event – Party 4all – Loutraki beach club 23:00
WEDNESDAY 5 July Workshops – Loutraki Beach Park 09:30 + 10:30
WEDNESDAY 5 July Group tours, Argolis, Ancient Corinth (extra charge for use of event coach)
WEDNESDAY July 5 Social Event – Party 4all – Loutraki beach club 11:00 p.m
THURSDAY 6 July Workshops – Loutraki Beach Park, Flash Mob Event 19:00
The exact schedule of your team's presentation will be announced 10 days before the start, on the internet at
The starting times of the zones as well as the number, type of workshops, social events etc. may be changed depending on the participations without notice.
30 Jun 2023
June 30, 2023 at 20.00
Cultural center of Perachora
28 Jun 2023
Οι Daikaiju μας έρχονται από την Αμερική και συγκεκριμένα από το Huntsville της Αλαμπάμα και τώρα εδρεύουν στο Χιούστον. Βρίσκονται σε πανευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία παρουσιάζοντας την τρίτη τους δισκογραφική δουλειά και την Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου θα εμφανιστούν στην Αλογόμυγα - Καλλιτεχνικό στέκι !!!
Οντότητες ηχητικού χάους, οι Daikaiju παίρνουν τον ήχο των κυμάτων που συντρίβουν και τον κάνουν να ροκάρει με τρόπο που προκαλεί σοκ και δέος.
Μια άκρως διαδραστική και συγκρουσιακή μπάντα που κυριολεκτικά παρασύρει το κοινό στη μαζική δίνη του ήχου που δημιουργεί.
Κρυμμένοι πίσω από μάσκες, αυτός ο θίασος ανθρώπων μυστηρίου δημιουργεί ένα μεταλλαγμένο στυλ επικής, υψηλής ενέργειας instrumental rock που ενσωματώνει απρόσκοπτα μια μεγάλη ποικιλία μουσικών στυλ, όπως surf, punk, noise, metal, ψυχεδελικό και progressive rock.
27 Jun 2023 to 28 Jun 2023
Wednesday, June 28
time 21:00
Loutraki Beach Park
A unique performance of aerial dance and acrobatics by the students Body & Mind Room - Loutraki & bodyandmindroom_corinth!
For the upcoming events click here